... Burton, Ohio – Pancake Town USA
Pancake Town USA
Log Cabin History

When the Burton Log Cabin was built by the Chamber of Commerce, it encouraged thousands of visitors and residents to come and see the production of maple syrup.

Thousands of visitors did come to the Grand opening in March 1931 and that tradition continues each spring.

The original cabin was patterned after the Log Cabin in Kentucky in which Abraham Lincoln was born. Additions were put on in 1931, 1932, 1954, 1959, and the newest portion opened in 1962.

The Burton Log Cabin is a working sugar house producing maple syrup every spring and making maple candy year round. It is owned and operated by the Burton Chamber of Commerce and also serves as the information resource center for Burton and surrounding areas.

The Cabin is open for business
7 days a week, year-round.

The Story of
Pancake Town USA

Each March since 1951, Burton has been serving pancakes every spring to over 20,000 guests. It became so popular that the Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club decided to officially trademark our town as “Pancake Town USA.”

Today the Rotary Club, the Century Village Museum and other groups continue to serve these annual March Sunday pancake breakfasts. Since 1951, over 2.14 million pancakes have been served in Burton to over 649,717 hungry people. More than 26,559 gallons of pure maple syrup have been poured over those pancakes. More than 154,807 pounds of sausage have been cooked, and 1.49 million cups of coffee poured for visitors to Burton.
(numbers estimated from the first pancake breakfast through 2022)

Begining the first Sunday in March our trees will be tapped, sap gathered and boiled, pancakes and sausage cooked, and coffee brewed for thousands of people who for 73 years have made this a yearly tradition.

The Burton Log Cabin will be making maple syrup and maple candy, a tradition in the area which dates back for centuries. An Antique and Craft Show will be in full swing at the New High School, the Burton Public Library will host book sales and Century Village Museum will bustle with activity. Local antique stores and shops stocked with new ideas for spring are ready for visitors.

But don’t despair...you can still have unique & delicious pancakes even after the season ends. All year-round many local restaurants, civic organizations and lodging facilities serve pancakes and offer pure maple syrup for your enjoyment!

All You Can Eat Pancakes We're always glad to see ya!

The Recurrent Events list presents those events that happen in Burton on an ongoing basis.

The Monthly listings highlight special events in our area.

Live entertainment 
at Coffee Corners 

Sat nights 7-9pm - all year

Coffee Corners Antiques

Open Mic Music Night 

Every Friday sign up at 5pm, music 6-8pm.

Coffee Corners

Friday Live Music at Punderson Manor

Every Fri Memorial Day thru Labor Day.

Visit PundersonManor.com for details.
Punderson Manor Resort

Live Music

Year round

World Famous Iron Horse Saloon

World Famous Iron Horse Saloon


The first 4 Sundays in March Burton Ohio aka Pancaketown USA  will continue the tradition of all-you-can-eat pancakes at multiple  locations in town. 

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Sun, 8am-1pm)

Pancakes Breakfast

Serving All-You-Can-Eat pancake breakfasts
Berkshire Athletic Boosters at the New Berkshire High School Bldg.
(Behind Kent State Campus)

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Sun, 9am-2pm)

Pancake Breakfast at Century Village Museum

Our own maple syrup and
 All-You-Can-Eat pancakes. and...Pictures with the Easter Bunny
Century Village Museum • centuryvillagemuseum.org

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30  (Sun, 9am-1pm)

Pancakes & Sausage Breakfast

Serving All-You-Can-Eat 
pancake breakfasts.
Burton American Legion 

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Sun, 9am-1pm)

Pancakes & Sausage Breakfast

pancake breakfasts 
& maple syrup
Burton Fire Station

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Sun)

Pancake Breakfast
at Punderson Manor

Visit PundersonManor.com 
for details call 440.564.9144

Mar 15

Cabin Fever Party

with Iron & Ink

For details call 440.321.0301worldfamousironhorsesaloon.com

Apr 1-19 (10am-5pm)

Easter at White House Chocolates

Bunnies born daily. Easter candy of all shapes & sizes, enough to fill your Easter Basket. Large selection of Christian molded chocolate.
White House Chocolates • 440.834.3133 whitehousechocolates.com

Apr 5 (Sat, 11:30am)

Edible Book Festival

Celebrated Worldwide! People create books which are entirely edible. They are judged, then eaten!
Burton Public Library • 440.834.4466

Apr 6 (Sun. 9am-1pm)

Pancake and sausage Breakfast at
Atwood Mauck American Legion Post 459

Burton American Legion

Apr 12 (Sat)

Schoolyard Studio Concert Series

A Music City Experience

Come hear the stories behind your favorite songs, by the Nashville songwriters who wrote them!
Cardinal High School
graduate, Jayce Hein and
company will perform.

For more details visit schoolyardstudio.net

Apr 19 (Sat, 11am)

Easter Egg Event
in Burton

Easter Egg Hunt with a special appearance by the Easter Bunny for pictures, Burton Fire Dept and Police Dept, games and give aways.

Location: Geauga County Fairgrounds arena.
Contact remaxrisingohio@gmail.com
Burton Chamber of Commerce

Apr 20 (Sun 11am)

Easter Buffet at
Punderson Manor

Visit PundersonManor.com
for details.440.564.9144
Punderson Manor Resort

Apr 26-27 (Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm)

Revolutionary War

Reenactment of the Battle of Lexington & Concord.

Century Village Museum


May 2-4 (Fri, 9am-5pm;
Sat, 9am-5pm; Sun, 10am-5pm)

Spring Open House

Bring the beauty of your home outdoors with the best prices of the year! Annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, vegetable & herb starts, beekeeping supplies, and so much more!

John’s Country Nursery •

May 9-10 (Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm)

Mother’s Day Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate dipped strawberries.
A gift that will bring a smile to mom.

Order ahead to ensure
your strawberries are ready when you arrive.


May 11 (Sun)

Mother’s Day Buffet at Punderson Manor

Visit PundersonManor.com 
for details or call 440.564.9144
Punderson Manor Resort  

May 17 (Sat, 10am-3pm)

21st Annual Destination Geauga SPRING DRIVE-IT-YOURSELF TOUR

Spend a spring day in Geauga County and discover places you have not gone before. Pick up treasures along the way.
Enjoy discounts, sales and/or coupons at the various stops.
Visit 10 or more stops and
enter to win prizes at the finale! 
(Finale begins at 3:30)

Details at DestinationGeauga.com

May 24 (10am-5pm)

Saturdays in the Country

The village green will be filled with artisans, vendors and food trucks. Come out and enjoy a lovely day in the country!

Burton Chamber of Commerce burtonchamberofcommerce.org

May 24-25
(Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm)

Civil War Re-enactment

Bonfire and fireside music on Friday night at dusk (free and open to public)
Pancake breakfast each morning.
A look back at the battles and the daily life of Civil War soldiers and civilians.
Ladies tea and fashion show, spy talk, field hospital and demos all weekend long,
Kids games.
Houses will be open for tours,
Recovery tent, beard & mustache contest,

Civil War ball and dinner on Sat. night - open to the public
Tickets $35 each.
Be sure to visit the Crossroads Museum Store

Century Village Museum
centuryvillagemuseum.org 440.834.1492

June 21st

Justin Tome Redneck Rave

For details call 440.321.0301

JJune 21 (Sat, 10am-5pm)


Life sized walking puppets and Paleo Fun at its best! Big Kids will love it too!

Century Village Museum.
Call 440.834.1492 or Visit
for details

June 28 (10am-5pm)

Saturdays in the Country

See May 24 for details.

Burton Chamber of Commerce • 440.834.4204 burtonchamberofcommerce.org

July 5 (Sat 6pm thru Conclusion of Fireworks)
(Rain Date July 6)

Veteran’s Appreciation Day & Fireworks.

Geauga County Fairgrounds
Burton American Legion 440.834.8621

July 7-11 (10am-3pm)

52nd Annnual
Pioneer School

Boys and Girls 8-12 yr. participate in activities from pioneer days and learn how people lived long ago. Space is limited.
Call 440.834.1492 for pricing and availability.
Pre-registration required.

Century Village Museum

July 12 (Sat, 2–9pm)

Maple Splash Festival

A special day of food truck cuisine including beer & wine, live music and fun at Century Village Museum in Burton, Oh.
Buy Raffle Tickets at Crossroads Store!
Over 25 non-profit groups will attend with special events, games and activities.
At 8pm the raffle tickets will be drawn for all the prizes. Sponsored by Burton Middlefield Rotary.
(See ad pg11)


July 26 (10am-5pm)

Saturdays in the Country

The village green will be filled with artisans, vendors and food trucks. Come out and enjoy a lovely day in the country!

Burton Chamber of Commerce
440.834.4204 burtonchamberofcommerce.org

Aug 2-3 (Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm)

Antique Power Show

Daily parades,
historic homes,
live demonstrations,
kid activities,
Show classes
(Semi, auto, tractors, industrial, farm equipment)
food, music.

Century Village Museum 440.834.1492centuryvillagemuseum.org

Aug 9 (Noon-7pm)

Raccoon County
Music Festival

Enjoy the best in regional folk, blues, Cajun, early jazz, Irish, old time string and many other traditional styles.
Food vendors.
$15 adults,
$5 ages 6-12,
Free under 5yrs

At Century Village Museum
centuryvillagemuseum.org 440.834.1492

Aug 23 (10am-5pm)

Saturdays in the Country

See July 26 for details.

Burton Chamber of Commerce burtonchamberofcommerce.org 440.834.4204

Aug 23-24 (10am-5pm)

Northeast Ohio Steam Punk Festival

A weekend of shopping, shows, musical entertainment and contests all celebrating the Steampunk style, Victorian era inspired industrialism.
This fantasy fiction features Victorian technology, especially technology powered by steam. All Contests have a $5 entry fee. Cash prizes. Tickets at the gate $15. Online $10. Group Rates and any information are available by calling Debra
at 440.781.9875
Pick up a $5 off discount ticket at Perfect Occasion Costumes and Magic in Middlefield Ohio or on Eventbrite.

More info at neosteampunkfestival.com Steampunk Murder Mystery Dinner High Tea (additional ticket required) Proceeds will benefit the Century Village Museum • centuryvillagemuseum.org 440.834.1492

Aug 28 thru Sept 1
(Thurs-Mon, 8am-11pm)

Great Geauga County Fair

Enjoy 151 acres of rides, shows, 13,000+ exhibits, thousands of animals and so much more.
Hundreds of food vendors to choose from. Live entertainment..Geauga County Fairgrounds

Geauga County Fair Grounds

Aug 29-Oct 31

Caramel Apple Season

Crisp flavorful apples dipped in caramel, rolled in favorite toppings and finished in our creamy chocolate.

Orders are welcome.
White House Chocolates

Sept 1-Oct 31

Caramel Apple Season

See Aug 29 for details
White House Chocolates

Sept 1
(Sun-Mon, 8am-11pm)

Great Geauga County Fair

See Aug 28 for details Geauga County Fairgrounds

Sept 20 (Sat, 10am-5pm)

6th Annual
Honey Bee Festival

80+ vendors featuring locally grown, or crafted goods.
Music, mini-education seminars, food, and daylong family fun all devoted to increasing public awareness of the impact that bees have on our food sources and the wide range of benefits of bee products.

John’s Country Nursery

Sept 27 (Sat, 10am-3pm)
(Rain Date, Oct 4)


Classic car
“Cruise-In” &
Vintage power show

Classic, vintage and specialty vehicles, and vintage/antique power equipment on display! Demonstrations, music, food, kids barrel rides!
Free entry,
Peoples’ Choice Award, Family friendly FREE Event

John’s Country Nursery

Sept 27 (10am-5pm)

Saturdays in the country

See July 26 fo details.

Burton Chamber of Commerce • 440.834.4204

Oct 1- 31

Caramel Apple Season

See Aug 29


Oct 7-11

Juried Art Show

Annual juried art show featuring Photography, Art, and 3D Art from local artists.

Burton Public Library
Entry info call 440.834.4466

Oct 11-12
(Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm)

Burton Fall Festival

The village green will be filled with artisans and vendors, food, music and more.

Sponsored by Burton Chamber of Commerce
440.834.4204 burtonchamberofcommerce.org

(Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm)

Sweetest Day Strawberries

Sweetest Day is a Cleveland originated holiday. it has become a time to give gifts to our loved ones. Chocolate covered strawberries top the list of favorites.

White House Chocolates

Oct 18 (Sat, 10am-3pm)

Beginning Beekeeping Class

Perfect for new beekeepers, those looking to increase
their knowledge or learn best practices for healthy hives

John’s Country Nursery

Oct 11-12
(Sat-Sun, 10am-5:pm)

Apple Butter Festival and Ox Roast

Steaming copper kettles provide the wonderful aroma of apple butter being made! Purchase fresh apple butter and apple fritters, tour the historic buildings. Historic Artisans! Children’s activities and great food. Live Music. Apple Pie Eating and Mullet contests.

Contact Century Village Museum

Oct 12 (Sun, 8am)

The 7th Annual Precision Fall Fest 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run

Hosted by Precision Orthopaedic Specialties. Both the 5K and the 1 mile run will begin at 8am in the beautiful Village of Burton! The looped course will begin on Burton Village Square, travel through the streets of Historic Burton and fairgrounds, and end back on the square. The race will be chip timed and all runners will receive a commemorative t-shirt and post-race refreshments. Awards to the top finishing male and female from each age group, and the top male and female overall winners!

For information and registration,
visit • gopherarun.com
or our website at PrecisionOrthopaedic.com.

Oct 25-26 (Sat-Sun, 5-10pm)

Ghost Walk Tours

Tours given every hour starting at 5:30 pm. Come and hear tales of the dearly departed who founded our grand county.
The Crossroads Store will also be open to the public and light refreshments will be available.

Pre-registration is required $10.00.440.834.1492
Tickets at Century Village Museum or online at centuryvillagemuseum.org.

Oct 31 (Fri, 6-7:30pm)

Trick or Treat IN BURTON

Century Village Museum and the Burton Chamber of Commerce join other non-profit groups to hand out candy to Trick-or-Treaters
at the Bond Bldg. in Century Village. There will be a costume contest with prizes and free refreshments.

Details contact the Burton Chamber of Commerce
or call 440.834.1492

Nov 7, 8, 9 (Fri-Sun 10am-4pm)

Holiday Open Houses
around Burton

See individual store facebook pages for specific details.

Burton Chamber of Commerce
facebook.com/ countryhearthchristmas

Nov 11 (Tues 4:30-7pm)

Veteran’s Day Open House - Chili and Soup Dinner

Burton American Legion 440.834.8621

Nov 21-23 (Fri, 9am-5pm
Sat, 9am-6pm Sun, 10am-5pm)

Christmas Open House

Holiday fun with shopping discounts, Mr & Mrs Claus, demonstrations, Christmas Market vendors, kids crafts, refreshments, and much more! Check website for details.

John’s Country Nursery

Nov 24 - Dec 20
(Mon-Sat 9am-5pm)

Christmas Photo Destination

Bring your friends, family, or
well-behaved pets! We supply the perfect backgrounds for your Holiday pictures! (Donations
appreciated) Pre-register for a time slot, & take your own photos.

Check website for details. John’s Country Nursery

Nov 27 (Thur)

Punderson Manor Thanksgiving Buffet

Visit PundersonManor.com for details or call 440.564.9144 Punderson Manor Resort

Nov 28 - Dec 19 (On-display)

Gingerbread House Display

Call 440.834.4466 for entry details.

Burton Public Library burton.lib.oh.us

Nov 28 (Fri, 5pm)

Kids Make-N-Take Christmas Ornaments

Bring your kit (see Oct listing) and join in as we build the ornaments. At 7pm those who wish can put your ornament on the tree in the park.

Burton Public Library burton.lib.oh.us

Nov 28 (Sat, 5pm-8pm)
Nov 29 (10am-5pm)

Kris Kringle Mart

Holiday craft show with Artisans and gift vendors at Burton Congregational Church for your One-Stop holiday shopping.

Burton Chamber of Commerce

Nov 28-29 (Fri-Sat, 10am-4pm)

A Burton Country Christmas

Christmas with old-fashioned flair. Fri. Nov 25 at 6pm the holiday lighting display is revealed, then at 6:15pm enjoy a lighted parade followed by caroling and refreshments.
Make an appt. to see
Santa at Burton Log Cabin 11-4pm.

Burton Chamber of Commerce
For more info visit

Nov 28-29 (Fri, 6pm, Sat, 9am-5pm)

Back in time Christmas at Century Village

Friday night see our floats in the parade at 6pm. Saturday Pancake Breakfast, pictures with Santa, tour historic homes decorated for the holidays. Timed tickets

Century Village Museum
440.834.1492 • centuryvillagemuseum.org

Nov. 29-30, (Fri, 3-8pm;
Sat 10am-4pm)

Ride The Christmas

Visit the Log Cabin and take
a ride around the square on
the Christmas Express.

Burton Log Cabin & Sugar Camp 440.834.4204burtonchamberofcommerce.orgfacebook.com/burtonBCOC

Nov. 29 (Sat, 9am)

Ugly Sweater 5K Run 1Mile Penguin Waddle (walk)

Starts and ends at the Burton Fire Station. Begins at 9am.
$35 registration day of the event;
$30 pre-registration for run and
$20 for the fun walk/waddle. Prizes awarded for both Costume and Run Participants.

For Details visit
remaxrisingohio@gmail.comBurton Chamber of Commerce

Nov. 29 - Dec 22
(Fri-Sun, 11am-4pm)

Santa at the Log Cabin

Santa will be at the Burton Log Cabin 11-4pm by Appt. only. Burton Log Cabin & Sugar Camp open 10am-4:30pmBurton

Burton Chamber of Commerce 440.834.4204 burtonchamberofcommerce.org facebook.com/burtonBCOC

Nov 30 (Sun)

Breakfast with Santa

Visit PundersonManor.com for details or call 440.564.9144
Punderson Manor Resort

Dec 6 (10am-Noon)

Great Burton bake-off

Burton Congregational Church

Burton Chamber of Commerce

Dec 7, 14, 21 (Sun)

Breakfast with Santa

Visit PundersonManor.com for details

or call 440.564.9144
Punderson Manor Resort

Dec 7 (Sun, 11am)

Pearl Harbor Day

Burton Village Gazebo.

Burton American Legion

Dec 24

Punderson Manor Christmas Eve Buffet

Visit PundersonManor.com for details or call

440.564.9144 • Punderson Manor Resort

Dec 25

Punderson Manor Christmas Day Buffet

Visit PundersonManor.com for details or call

440.564.9144 • Punderson Manor Resort

Dec 31 (Wed)

Punderson Manor New Years Eve Buffet

Visit PundersonManor.com for details.

440.564.9144Punderson Manor Resort

Dec 31

10th Annual New years Eve Pancake Drop

Ring in the New Year with dinner specials and karaoke followed by our famous midnight pancake drop! Reservations requested.

Be there or be square!
For details call 440.273.8100 warrensspiritedkitchen.com

Burton Chamber of Commerce


The Geauga County
Historical Society

440-834-1492 www.centuryvillagemuseum.org

Burton Middlefield Rotary

Burton Public Library

Destination Geauga
1-800-775-TOUR www.destinationgeauga.com

Ohio tourism information www.discoverohio.com